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Factors that Influence the Cost of Solar Panel Installation (N)

In the renewable energy industry, solar energy is one of the most accessible energy sources. More and more home owners are realising that tapping into the infinite energy provided by the sun has various benefits including significant savings on energy prices and environmental sustainability. However, solar energy’s increasing popularity has given rise to concerns about the solar panel cost. There are many variables that influence the solar panels cost in Sydney, here are some of them:

Roof Type

It is necessary to angle the solar panels, so that they can get full exposure to the sun. This is not a problem when the roof is right-angled but it could be an issue if the roof is flat. In such situations, the contractor would have to construct a frame in order to angle the panels. The kind of roof you have will play a role in the cost since different materials require different kinds of structures to support the panels.

Age Of The Roof

If your roof needs replacement, it makes sense to replace the roof before you mount the solar panels. This is because the installer must remove the panels when the time comes for you to actually repair the roof. Rather than incur this expense and discomfort, it is better to only get the roof replaced while the panels are being installed. Before an installation, the need to replace the roof means that the total installation of solar panels cost in Sydney increases.

Structural Issues

This is closely linked to the age of the roof, and relates to the cost of the solar panel system in the same way. You may be forced to deal with these before you can have your new roof installed. You may have to re-install the panels if you don’t do this beforehand. Neglecting to fix structural issues could lead to permanent damage to the solar panels or wiring.

License Cost

In certain areas, this procedure might cause the contractor to pay more than the normal cost as they spend more time to obtain the license. In this scenario, the contractor would pass on the extra costs of the regulatory process to you as the homeowner. This will then upsurge the overall cost that you have to pay for the installation.

System Monitoring

It is possible to set up certain systems in such a way that the home owner can control how the solar energy system functions. These tracking and monitoring systems are excellent, but the added expense of the tracking system could push up the overall installation cost.

If you are looking for solar panels for sale, you can rely on Solarpath.

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4 Reasons Every Home Needs a Solar Powered Roof Ventilation
Understanding the Current Solar Energy Rebates and Grants in NSW

Myths And Facts About Solar Panel Systems

Demand for sustainable energy sources is growing to reduce the impact of global warming which has been exacerbated by increased emissions. We are surrounded by a plethora of renewable energies that have the potential to be used year-round, especially solar energy. It is time to eliminate solar scepticism and strengthen the outlook for the future. Here, we debunk common myths.

Solar Panels Do Not Work In Cold Weather

In sunny, cold, and even gloomy conditions, solar panels work. Solar panel technologies allow them to operate efficiently and effectively and are much more successful at cooler temperatures than at warmer temperatures. Furthermore, the performance of solar panels in Sydney is maintained by cloudy weather; they can be a viable energy source as they can still generate enough fuel. Also, cold, sunny winter days produce energy at a pace equal to what you will get from hot summer days.

Solar Energy Still Functions Even When The Electricity Goes Out

Of course, the grid system can go down if you live on the grid when the power goes out. It is unsafe to run electricity to wires that electricity employees are trying to repair. As a result, the inverter notices that the grid has been shut down and slows down electricity production from solar panels.

Solar Energy Is Too Costly

In reality, if we look at figures from 2009 to 2015, solar panel investments have generally been on the rise as they become more affordable. Their total expenses have dropped by about 30%. Globally, generating electricity from solar energy is currently cheaper than it is from coal.

Installing Solar Is Quite Complicated

As long as you use a reputable manufacturer, installing the best solar panels is reasonably straightforward. The solar panels will only need to be washed with water to remove any accumulated dust, dirt, or snow stuck on them. Solar panels are built in a way that helps them to withstand harsh weather,  including hail and sleet. If you have a battery-based system, you will need more cleaning than one without it, but battery-free systems are more popular and cheaper than battery-based systems.

Solar Panels Cause Damage To Your Roof

The solar panel can be quickly removed if it needs to be fixed because it is not directly connected to the roof; each panel is only placed on top. Sealant is typically used to fill in the gaps if there are any gaps between the rooftop and the panels. In addition, the mounts are covered by “flashing” metal or coverings for an external safety shield. Before installing a new rooftop, always ensure your roof is damage-free.

Solar Panels Can Eliminate Grid Reliance

Solar panels effectively reduce your reliance on the grid and can make you independent from grid power. However, it’s always best to use power from the grid if there is a fault with your solar power system. Additionally, to rely entirely on solar power, you must make calculations and allocate a budget to have numerous solar panels installed. It is always preferable to have the option of using energy from the grid should you need it. Solar panels are best to reduce your reliance on the grid rather than eliminate it.

Solar Panels Require Costly Maintenance

Some people avoid installing solar panels due to the myth that solar panels require costly maintenance. However, solar panels only require a little maintenance. Most of your maintenance responsibilities for your panels lie in the cleaning process. You must keep your panels clean to ensure a direct flow of UV light. If there is dirt, or leaves, obstructing the panels, then you will not be receiving optimal light. You can use specialised, non-scratching cloths and squeegees to clean your solar panels and remove excess dirt.

Solar Panels Only Last A Few Years

Some people believe that solar panels last fewer than 10 years, which isn’t enough to receive adequate ROI on your solar energy investments. However, this is inaccurate. Solar panels are improving year-on-year; you can expect your solar panels to last for around 20 – 25 years before replacement is necessary. This is plenty of time to earn your money back with energy savings. If you sell your home during this time, the solar panels will add to the home’s value, so you will still receive ROI.

Solar Panel Prices Are Based On Your Home’s Size

The cost of solar panels is based on something other than the size of your home. The cost of your solar panels will depend entirely on your monthly energy usage and how much energy is required to power your home. You can calculate how many solar panels you will need by multiplying your household’s hourly energy requirement with the number of peak sunlight hours for your area. Divide this figure by the solar panel’s wattage to determine how many panels you will need for your home.

You Cannot Recycle Solar Panels

Some homeowners wonder whether solar panels are detrimental to the environment. However, you can recycle them. When your solar panels end their lifetime, you can contact your solar panel installer or manufacturer and enquire about their recycling schemes. Some manufacturers offer recycling schemes free of charge to promote sustainable practices.

Solar Panels Can Decrease Home Value

In the wake of the energy crisis, solar panels are a much sought-after feature for a home. Installing solar panels and decreasing monthly bills in your home will add immeasurably to your home’s value, and you will find that the interest in your home improves with this added perk.


If you’re considering solar panels, you must have information you can trust. By understanding the fact and fiction surrounding solar panels, you’re in a better position to make an informed decision.

Are you interested in solar panel installation? Reach out to our friendly team of experienced solar panel installers here at SolarPath!

Your Definitive Guide to Choosing A Solar Company: 3 Key Considerations

Over 2.6 million solar panels have been installed in Australia, and many more are on the way. If you’ve decided to switch to green energy and reduce your monthly expenses, you need to know that your solar investment will last and perform well.

How do you choose a solar company that will give you the best products?

This guide will help you evaluate your area’s solar companies and find reputable services so that your solar investments last. Keep reading to learn how to select a solar company, choose the best products, and evaluate quotes and pricing.

What Should You Look For In A Solar Company?

If you’ve decided to install solar panels in your home, you’ve taken the first step in reducing your carbon footprint and monthly bills. However, you need to find a solar company you can rely on. 

Solar panels are expensive, and with any significant investment, you should review different products and companies to ensure you’re getting the best value for money. You need to get multiple quotes from solar companies to gauge the standard price of solar panels. 

Some key traits of an excellent solar company include:

  • Experience – you want a solar company with over 5 years of experience, as you need to know whether their existing customers have experienced any issues with the product or installation.
  • Follow-ups – when you have your solar panels installed, you need your installation company to assess how the solar panels function. Ask the company about their follow-up procedures.
  • Accredited – you need to know that your installation company meets industry standards and that your solar system designer is CEC accredited.
  • Affordability – you need to find a solar company that offers panels and installation within your budget without sacrificing quality.

How To Choose A Solar Company

You must take specific steps when choosing a solar company to ensure your solar panel investment lasts. Here are the best tips for selecting a solar company.

1 – List Available Solar Providers

To begin evaluating solar panel providers and installers, you will first need to gather a list of the available solar providers in your area. Use a Google search to compile a list on a computer document or use pen and paper. As you gather more information on each provider, you can cross some off the list if they do not meet your standards.

2 – Consider Your Budget

You need to consider how much you’re willing to pay for your solar panels. If you cannot finance the total cost of the solar panels, you can look into the various solar panel grants on offer in the New South Wales area as part of the net-zero initiative. Once you have established how to pay for the solar panels, you can create a budget.

3 – Look For Insured Providers

You need assurance that you will get a warranty with your solar products and that the company is fully insured should any damage be caused during installation. The solar panel provider you choose must be fully licensed and insured. If anything goes wrong down the line, the solar company can provide you with compensation through their insurance company.

4 – Look For Experienced Providers

Most solar panel companies go out of business within the first 5 years. If your solar company goes bust, you will lose your warranty. So, it’s best to opt for experienced and established providers with over 5 years of experience. This way, they will be less likely to fail, and you can secure your warranty.

5 – Ensure The Provider Offers High-Quality Products

You need to review which products your solar panel installer provides and which ones they do not install. If you want a solar converter, solar battery, and solar skylight with your panels, you need to check with the provider to ensure they can supply and install these products. You should also verify that the products they offer are from reputable solar brands.

6 – Review The Company’s Credentials

The company should have the certification that speaks to their training and competency in the industry. Look for a system designer’s CEC accreditation for each product they offer and look at the evidence of their previous work. How many PV solar systems have they installed over the years? Have they got experience installing solar panels on your specific roof type?

7 – Read Customer Reviews

When evaluating any contractor, you must always read customer reviews. The customer reviews will give you insight into their service – for example, whether the contractors clean up after themselves and whether the company takes accountability for any errors. If there are many negative reviews based on the quality of the service, then you should avoid this contractor.

8 – Ask About Subcontractors

Many solar panel companies enlist the services of subcontractors that specialise in some aspects of the installation process. You need to enquire about your company’s subcontractors and check their credentials. You need to know who will be performing the work on your property and that the subcontractors are reliable.

9 – Ask About Warranties

You need assurance that they will replace your solar panels if faulty. Solar panels are a huge investment, and you may be unable to replace them on your own. So, contact the companies you are considering and ask about their warranties. You should prioritise more extended warranties, as you could save money on the cost of replacement or repairs for longer.

How To Choose A Solar Panel And Inverter

Some smaller solar manufacturers have taken advantage of lax market standards, which means you could risk investing in an unregulated product, even if the CEC verifies it. Once a product is on the market and CEC accredited, the manufacturer can make changes to the product without consulting the CEC. 

The CEC tried to mitigate this concern by performing random spot checks on products. However, when choosing your solar panels and inverters, it’s best to select products from larger energy companies. Larger energy companies are held to higher standards than smaller ones and are generally the safer choice.

How To Evaluate Your Quotes

When you gather quotes from solar companies, this is a good indicator of whether the company is reliable or not. There are some key indicators that the solar company isn’t reputable that you can find in the quote:

  • Handwritten quotes – your quote or receipt should not be handwritten. You need an official printed document you can refer to in a dispute later down the line.
  • Omitting labour prices – the quote should include all the labour and parts with each expense. 
  • Components aren’t specified by quantity – if the solar company does not specify the components’ amount, brand, and model, then they could switch these products for cheaper and less reliable versions when it comes to installation.
  • STCs (Small-scale Technology Certificates) arent included
  • No system performance estimate – your quote should include a system performance estimate, so you know how much energy you can expect from your panels and when to complain about your panels’ performance levels.
  • The subcontractor isn’t listed – you need to know who will be installing the panels on your property and whether the company will perform it themselves or hire a subcontractor.
  • No warranty – it is vital that you look for a standard 25-year warranty on your quote.
  • No post-sale service specifications – you need information regarding the post-sale service and maintenance of the panels should you encounter any issues.
  • No timeframe – you need to know that you won’t be left waiting for your solar panels to be installed. Your company should provide a timeline for when the installation will be complete, and your solar panels will be up and running.
  • Additional costs and work required – you need to know what to expect when your solar panels are installed. Your quote should include details of any additional charges you can expect. If your house is old, you may require extra work to get your home ready for solar panel installation, and your quote should include any additional work.
  • No payment terms – the quote should include how you can pay for the service and whether you will make the payments in instalments. 

How Do You Determine Whether You’re Getting A Good Price?

You need to gather quotes from several solar system installers to evaluate what price you can expect from a solar company. You should opt for solar companies with competitive pricing, but also be wary of costs that are too low – this could be a red flag. The company could be switching out parts for cheaper alternatives, there may be hidden costs, and the staff could be underqualified. So, it’s best to opt for a competitively priced solar company, but not one that is too competitively priced.


This guide should help give you the direction you need to choose the right solar company. You need products and installation experts you can trust. If you’re looking for solar panels and solar panel installation in NSW, you should contact SolarPath today!

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Factors That Affect the Solar Panel Efficiency (N)
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Factors That Affect Solar Panel Efficiency

Solar energy is reliable and sustainable! In the long run, people who go solar will save thousands of dollars since solar provides energy that is more than enough throughout their lifetime. Moreover, going solar can save people from fossil fuel dependence. It goes without saying the impact of fossil fuels on our environment – the primary greenhouse gas in the atmosphere.

We are well aware of the benefits offered by going solar. Many solar companies claim that their solar products are efficient and beneficial. But what about the performance of solar panels Sydney? How efficient are solar panels? For optimal efficiency, there are some factors that should be taken into consideration. By understanding the factors that affect their efficiency, you can make an informed decision when looking for the best solar panels.

Here are the factors that affect solar panel efficiency:-

The Temperature

The temperature plays a significant role in the performance. Yes, temperature greatly influences the efficiency of the photovoltaic cell due to the inherent characteristic of the semiconductor material. Hence, the efficiency of solar panels increases when the temperature drops and vice versa.

Solar Panel Placement

North-facing is the best direction to position your modules, with the second being west, following the east. Why? Because north-facing roofs can provide enough production of energy and help make the most of your solar panels. However, it depends on the location and facing of your house, calling for the strategic placement of panels and expert installers. That’s one of the reasons why you need to let the professionals install your solar solution.


Shade is the enemy of solar energy! Even a small amount of shade on the panel can shut down solar production on all other panels. This is because solar cells are connected in a series and will operate at the current level of the weakest cells. If one solar cell is affected, it will significantly affect the output of the other cells.


Solar panels are extremely durable and last for 15-25 years. However, regular cleaning and maintenance are crucial to maximise the amount of light available to turn into electrical power.

The Orientation, Inclination, And Latitude Of The Place

In order to take advantage of solar power, the orientation, latitude, and inclination should be considered. The right alignment of these variants helps ensure to your panels produce maximum energy.

Cloud Patterns

Unfortunately, there is nothing to stop cloud patterns from interfering with the efficiency of your solar panels, and there is very little you can do to reduce their impact. These natural fluctuations in UV light exposure will cause irregular energy output from your panels.

Heat Build-Up

If you live in a warm climate, you need to consider the impact of heat build-up on your solar panels. If your panels become too warm, this will compromise their energy output. To reduce the impact of heat build-up, ensure they get airflow by allowing two inches of space between your roof and panels. Additionally, ensure that the panels are surrounded by light colours that will not absorb heat so much.


Like heat, humidity can also have an impact on the function. To ensure humidity does not prevent your solar panels from working optimally, you should ensure plenty of airflow between your panels and your home’s roof.

Your Solar Inverter

You need a solar inverter that will effectively convert energy from your solar panels into energy you can use in your home. If your solar inverter is low-quality, this could result in poor energy conversion rates, meaning you lose some of the solar power generated from your panels. So, always ensure your solar inverter is of high quality, or you may not receive optimal ROI on your solar panel investment.

Type Of Solar Panels

When choosing solar for your home, it’s important to know which types of panels are the most efficient. Monocrystalline panels are the most effective type of solar panels, with an operational efficiency of around 23%. 

To ensure your panels are efficient, you should avoid the least effective variation of thin film panels. Monocrystalline panels make the most efficient option, but you can also opt for blue crystalline or polycrystalline panels, the second most efficient option. Some homeowners do not like the visual aesthetic of the blue or poly panels. However, they make a smarter choice for your home than thin film solar panels.

Solar Tracking

One of the best ways to increase the efficiency of your solar panels is to opt for solar tracking-enabled panels. Solar tracking panels can add as much as an hour to your sunlight hours by tracking the sun’s movements throughout the day. The panels then shift to ensure maximum UV exposure. This feature makes an excellent choice if you’re looking to maximise your return.

Solar Batteries

Your solar panels won’t always collect solar power, and there will be days when sunlight exposure is minimal. For this reason, investing in a solar battery allows you to store your solar energy for later use is a good idea. When your panels are less efficient, you can rely on power from your solar battery rather than turning to expensive energy from the grid.


Many factors affect the efficiency of your solar panels, which is why it is essential to maintain your panels and keep in contact with solar experts during your panels’ lifecycle. If you need advice regarding your solar panels or are considering switching to solar energy, reach out to our team at SolarPath today.

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Understanding the Current Solar Energy Rebates and Grants in NSW
Benefits of Having Solar Panels in your Home

Common Advantages of Installing Solar Panel System for Your Property

Basically, solar power systems are used to transform solar energy into electricity. They are manufactured from solar or photovoltaic cells and are used in rural areas, homes, industrial facilities and public utilities. Today, for personal and commercial purposes, these solar devices are used. Here, we have mentioned a few common advantages of installing solar panel system for your property.

Renewable Energy Providers

Since the energy collected in solar panel system comes from renewable solar energy, solar panels discharge renewable energy that is available daily and virtually all over the world. No matter whether a person moves or is off in a remote area, he or she should have the solar panels to be installed in his or her home.

Different Applications

There are diversified uses of solar panels in homes and industrial applications. They are used not only for supplying homes with electricity, but also for heating water and driving solar powered vehicles. Since solar panels can be used to distil water in areas where access to clean water is limited and electricity is supplied in places that are off the grid, when it comes to applications, they are considered diverse. Also in constructing houses, solar panels as well as solar power are used, which extends the use of this energy source.

Less Energy Bills

The ability to minimise energy consumption is one of the most realistic and greatest benefits of solar power systems. Home owners do not need to use commercially sold electricity by merely storing solar energy in solar panels, because they can use their appliances at night using solar panels. Energy bills would also be reduced. It is important to remember, of course, that energy consumption savings rely on the size of the solar panels. In addition, apart from minimising energy consumption, the homeowner often has the ability to earn incentive payments if the solar panels produce more power and less is consumed and the surplus is sent to the grid. And more savings can be gained by using energy stored in solar panels at peak periods when electricity prices are high.

Advancements In Technology

Solar panels will become the necessities of any household in the future, with the dynamics of technology and continuous growth and research. As time goes on, developments in solar panel technology and design will be made and there is no way for these renewable energy sources to decrease in popularity.

Repair Cost  

Maintenance solar power systems prices are at a minimum with the warranty provided by solar panel manufacturers which can last for decades. In addition, these panels’ maintenance requirements are also not excessive. It is only important to regularly clean them. As for components, except for the inverter, there are relatively no parts to be replaced that would need replacement between five to ten years. That said, when it comes to wear and tear, there are less standards.

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Here’s Why You Need to Hire Professional Solar Installers

Whether you want to reduce your carbon footprint or energy bills, solar energy is the best option. Yes, going solar helps to accomplish the goals, while owning the power and living the modern luxuries to the maximum. If you want to reap the benefits of solar energy, you’ll have to get the solar panels installed on your roof with the help of professionals.

Of course, there are jobs around the house that homeowners can handle on their own. Moreover, homeowners are obsessed with DIY jobs as the internet is flooded with DIY blogs and videos. However, there are certain jobs that need professional intervention, and solar panel installation Sydney is one of them.

If you are going solar, it’s important to schedule the solar panel installation Sydney with the professional installers to make sure the job is done right.

Here are a few reasons why you need to hire solar installers Sydney

Proper installation

See, proper placement of solar panels is necessary to get the most out of your solar power systems. Do you know where the panels should face in order to gain the maximum exposure of the sun? Which type of solar panels is right for your needs? Probably not! But, our solar installers do. Professional technicians are experienced, and they know to properly install the panels to get the full advantage of solar panels.  They will consider all the factors to help you get the most from your solar power system and power your house efficiently. So, solar panel installation cost shouldn’t be a major concern as it is a substantial investment.


Climbing the roof is not safe, especially if you have sliding roofs. Yes, it’s very dangerous. A slip can lead to fatal injuries and death. Solar panel installation involves using ladders and climbing up and down carrying panels. It’s not an entertaining experience. Working with professionals eliminates the chances of getting into an accident during the installation. Professional solar installers are insured and incorporate the necessary measures to avoid accidents and enhance safety.

Warranty coverage

The warranty of the solar panel is a significant factor that you need to consider when it comes to solar panel installation in Sydney. When you work with the professional solar company, you can ensure that your solar panels will get the necessary coverage. When you do it on your own, most of the companies don’t offer any coverage.

Protect your property

Solar panel installation is not something like installing other electric appliances in your property. The panels are huge and require special equipment to get it installed on the roof. You could end up damaging the property during the installation. Professionals ensure that the roof is not damaged when installing the solar panels.

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How Can I Make The Most Of My Solar Panels?
Insights on Solar Panel Efficiency

How Can I Make The Most Of My Solar Panels?

Solar panels are an incredible invention that helps to power the property while owning the energy! Going solar is no more a buzz word, and it’s nothing new. It’s here in many homes and offices in Australia. If you are also planning to invest in solar power systems, there is no better time than now. For centuries, we have been using power at night as that’s when there’s a nuclear energy surplus. But, when it comes to solar panels, it’s an entirely different story. Whether you are planning to investment in solar panels or have one on your roof, you need to consume as much solar energy as possible when it’s abundance.

Here are a few tips and tricks to making sure you’re getting the most out of your solar panels:-

Place the solar panels smartly

Solar panel installation is a crucial factor in order to make the most out of it. Yes, the orientation and the angle of the panel must be right. Place the panels in such a way that they receive optimal sunlight throughout the year.

Utilise the sunlight

It is no secret that a solar panel generates energy using sunlight. Unlike conventional energy, they produce electric power only during the day. So, if you want to get optimum results from your solar panel system, use as much as power as you can under the sun. Recharge all your devices during the day for hours and put all your solar devices under sunlight for a full charge and make them ready for night use.

If you have inverters, it’s a good idea to recharge them properly during the day to minimise the wastage of power. Also, adjust the cooling and heating devices to the desired temperature during the day time so that you can turn them off during the night and avoid wastage of power.

Even if you want to use the solar generated electricity at night, access the energy stored in the battery.

Use one appliance

While you can use all the appliances with solar-generated energy, it’s best to use any one at a time you will be conserving your electricity. However, it depends on the type of solar system you have and the amount of electricity required for the appliances in your household. Take a shower after using your washing machine,    cooking before watching your favourite program, and using air conditioner only when you hit the bed are some of the ways you could save the generated energy efficiently.

Use a backup battery

One of the best ways to make the most of your solar power systems is to invest in the right solar battery systems. In fact, some solar-powered systems comes with a storage system that allows you to save energy during the day so that the energy can be used at night and keep the electricity usage at a minimum. Moreover, an added benefit of using the batter is that you’ll always have the power to use it, even during a blackout.

Are you looking for solar power systems? We got you covered. Our solar power systems prices are reasonable. Call us for more details.

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Are Solar Panels Worth Investing?

When summer is in full swing, that sweltering heat could be so annoying. While it is possible to manage with the air conditioner when it gets hot and sweaty outside, there’s nothing worse than receiving high electricity bill due to overuse of AC. But, that’s something solar homeowners don’t have to worry about. Yes, with solar panels, you could generate your own power and save money on electricity bills.

But, the solar panels cost Sydney could be the major concern for many homeowners who wanted to install solar panels. Let’s take a look into it:-

How much do solar panels cost?

Well, solar panels cost in Sydney varies from one home to another as there is no such thing one-size-fits-to-all. The cost of solar panels depends on several factors, including the size, layout of the home, location, and electric requirements. The average cost to install solar panels is anywhere from $15000 to $25000. However, solar panel maintenance is fairly minimal and come with a warranty of 15 to 25. Hence, it should give you peace of mind that you won’t have to spend a lot of money into the solar panels beyond the initial investment.

Are solar panels a good choice for my home?

Indeed! Although a solar panel is a significant investment upfront, it can more than pay for itself. Besides, solar panels add value to the home. When you sell the property, the chances are high that you’ll get good deals. If you want to figure whether solar panels are worth the investment, compare the lifetime cost of your utility power against the cost of going solar. However, you need to have a solar installation company come to your place and do the assessment to determine whether or not you’ll be benefited from solar panels.

Here are a few steps to determine whether or not going solar is good for you:-

Determine your current electricity cost

Find out how much you are spending for utility power annually and the average energy usage over 12 months. Then, calculate the lifetime cost of energy bills.

Evaluate your sunlight exposure

If the sunlight exposure is more, more energy will be produced and a higher potential to save with solar. The amount of sun rays your home receives, home’s orientation of the sun and the roof type are the significant factors that affect a solar system’s output. So, you need to evaluate it before investing.

Estimate the solar panel size and installation cost

Next thing you have to do is determining the solar panel size and the estimated amount it will cost for installation. Don’t forget to research the solar incentives and rebates available in your state as they help reduce the overall cost by 50% or more than that. Some utilities offer cash rebates for customers who go solar.

As you see, research well before looking for solar panels for sale. Of course, solar panels are worth investing. But, it would be best if you figure out how worth are they and what’s the ROI for solar panels.

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Solar Energy Today, Solar Roof Ventilation
What Is The Best Solar Inverter For My Home?

Tips for Buying Solar Power Systems

Many Australians are investing in solar power systems. In fact, house owners are outfitting their roofs with solar panels. Installing solar power systems is an excellent way to generate electricity for your house and business without affecting the environment.

Buying solar products for your house can be a very exciting experience. Going green and saving money is something you should be happy about. But you shouldn’t fall for the marketing gimmicks and advertisements. Solar products are a substantial investment, so it is essential to focus on the important aspects of your purchase. You can’t just buy a solar system for a home just like that. Yes, there are certain things you need to consider before investing in solar power systems. Keep in mind, not all solar systems are created equally. It differs from one brand to another based on several factors.

Here are a few tips for buying solar products


You need to consider the certification before buying a solar power system, and it applies to all solar products, especially to the purchases that attract government rebates. The certification indicates the type of testing the particular solar panel has undergone.


When buying solar power systems, it is essential to choose the one that has a longer warranty period. Most of the manufacturers provide an average of 10-12 years warranty. Also, you need to ensure the solar systems have performance warranties. Generally, solar systems will have 25 to 30 years of performance warranty.


This is another crucial factor that you need to consider when buying a solar system for home. Durable systems will save money as you don’t require constant replacements, which can become troublesome and expensive over time. The climate in Australia is harsh, so the durability of a solar system should be considered to avoid downtime.


The efficiency of a solar system is one of the most significant factors you need to consider before investing in it. If you want to get the most out of your solar power systems, then you need to get more output from the device, and it should be efficient enough to satisfy your energy needs. The more efficient the solar system is, the more power you could generate and save money.


The size and suitability of the solar system must be considered. Pick a size that fits your roof or house. You need to get the optimal position for solar power. You can’t just buy a solar power system that is too big or small for your house. The dimensions of the panels should fit the side of the roof where you’ll be installing it.


Before purchasing a solar system for your home, you need to decide whether you’d like to invest in a solar battery. A solar battery helps you to achieve ROI on your solar investments by allowing you to store the energy collected from your solar panels. You can either save this energy for later use at night or on days when your energy is running low, or you can sell this energy back to the grid to make a profit. The average solar battery costs between $1000 and $1500 per kW of storage in the battery. Before buying your solar panels, decide whether you’d like a battery and factor this into your budget.

Inverter Placement

Before investing in a solar system for your home, you need to consider where you will place your solar inverter. Your inverter should be in an accessible location, like a loft, attic, or garage. Note that some solar installers recommend not placing your inverter in a garage, as the heat can damage the system. However, the loft space is closest to the roof for easy installation. Knowing where you plan to place your inverter and discussing the matter with an installation expert can be extremely helpful in the solar purchasing process.

Light Obstructions

When purchasing solar panels for your home, you need to consider what size solar system you’d like, but you also need to determine whether your panels can access unobstructed light. It could be that your roof space is covered by tree branches that block the light, or another building casts a shadow on your roof. If this is the case, you should consider cutting down any required branches. If another building is blocking the light, you should speak to a solar panel installer to determine whether the panels would get enough sunlight during the day to justify installation.

Solar Installation

When buying a solar panel system, you don’t just need to buy the system. You’ll also need to evaluate the solar installation companies in your area and select a reliable installer. Your solar installer should have the proper accreditations and not try to pressure you with upselling during the installation process – this is a huge red flag! Your solar installation experts should offer practical and unbiased advice on your solar panel investments. If you suspect their advice is coming from a place of self-interest, you should get a second opinion from another solar installer.


Before investing in solar panels, you should evaluate your financial situation. You need to be sure that solar panels are affordable based on your current earnings and savings. If you can’t afford to pay a lump sum for your solar panels, you can access a rebate or grant from the NSW government as part of the solar energy initiative. You can access a low-interest loan that will help you to cover the cost of the panels gradually over time rather than paying a lump sum upfront. Just remember to verify that your solar panel supplier and installers are approved by the grant scheme.

Ready To Go Solar? Speak To Our Team At SolarPath!

At SolarPath, we are dedicated to helping people switch to more renewable energy sources and depend less on the government for their energy. You should contact our friendly team if you’re considering switching to solar power for your home. We are here to give you friendly and frank advice about your solar system without upselling or bias!

Everything You Need To Know About Solar Panel Kits

Solar energy technology is no more a future trend. It’s here and slowly revolutionising the consumer market. While there are many good reasons why many are turning to solar, reducing the carbon footprint and cutting energy costs are the most common reasons. Going solar is the best thing you could do to enhance your home’s energy efficiency. Whether you want to go solar for personal, economic, or environmental reasons, you could reap the benefits of solar energy.

If you are new to the eco-friendly industry, there is no better way to start than with the solar panel kits. Over the past few years, solar panel kits have become popular as many want to preserve the environment while saving money. Not only that, solar panel kits are also affordable and easy to install.

What should you look for in solar panel kits?

A solar panel kit consists of solar panels bundled with essentials that you’ll need to assemble, install, and run your solar energy system. It’s a dream come true for people who want to switch to solar energy without spending much on installation as it allows for DIY installation.

The solar kit is a great choice for people who are looking to power RV appliances, a small off-grid cabin, and other small electronics. Large load kits are also available, which is capable of handling the entire energy consumption of a small household. Based on your needs, there is a solar kit out there that can meet your energy needs.

The type of solar power kit you choose to install should be based on how well you are technically strong. If you know about wiring and panels, it’s quite easy to install and run a solar power system.

When buying solar panel kits, check the reviews and ratings of a solar panel so that you could determine how efficient the solar panel is. Not all solar panel kits are equally created. It varies from one brand to another.  So, it’s worth looking at the efficiency rating of the solar kits you are planning to purchase.

Also, check the manufacturer’s warranty. If the manufacturer is reputable, then you could expect the solar panels to last for a long time and make you a profit. However, ensure the manufacturer is still operating, and you get enough support from the supplier if something goes wrong with the system.

You should also figure out the wattage requirement so that you could choose the right solar panel kit that suits your energy needs. The kits are available from 50W to 265W. Whether for an off-grid mobile site or household, you’ll find one.

Are you looking for solar panels? We’ve got you covered. We offer the best solar panels for house that are sourced from the world’s leading solar panel manufacturers. Call us for more details.

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