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7 Easy Steps to Install Solar Roof Ventilation

Solar roof ventilation is a vent fan powered by solar energy. It is a great addition to the house as it normalises room temperature during extreme weather conditions. Such ventilation technology efficiently exhausts a lot of hot air over a day, cooling your home in the process. In winter, it helps remove the moisture that may cause roof damage and molds.

The ventilation system is also good for the environment as it lessens the household’s dependence on conventional power sources. Since it generates its power from the sun, it eliminates electric consumption costs for roof ventilation. Moreover, it is also easy to install at any location.

These are the seven easy step-by-step directions to install solar-powered roof ventilation.

Step 1. Prepare the tools for the installation

Safety harnesses, ladder, hammer, flat pry bar, utility knife, reciprocating saw, drill/driver, roofing cement and caulk gun are some of the basic tools needed for the installation. The tools that you need may vary depending on the design and specifications of the solar roof ventilation.

Step 2. Look for the right location

Solar roof ventilation sydney companies recommend the ventilation to be in an area with lots of sunlight exposure. Harnessing sunlight is crucial to its operation as it works best if it has enough supply of solar energy.

Step 3. Ladder up

Bring a ladder and lean it carefully into your chosen location. Ensure that the location has sufficient airflow throughout the roof. Position the vent next to ridge capping to avoid any leaks. Don’t forget to wear your harness when performing this step.

Step 4. Remove the shingles

Safety first. Wear gloves and protective eyewear before you mark the center of the chosen location and drill a hole into it. Outline the hole according to the perimeter of the roof vent. In case a drill is unavailable, you can always use a utility knife to cut the roof shingles outline.

Step 5. Cut the roof

Mark the center of the roof where you will place the vent. From the mark, cut the roof using a reciprocating saw. Remember to remove the shingles surrounding the perimeter.

Step 6. Place the vent

Apply roofing cement to the cut hole and place the solar roof vent evenly on it. Screw the vent flashing to the roof and apply caulking around it.

Step 7. Replace the removed shingles

Attach new shingles around the vent using the appropriate roofing nails. Apply caulking and roofing cement at the edge of the shingles that surrounds the vent.

See! As easy 1-2-3, anyone can install a solar-powered roof vent all by themselves.  All you need is the set of right tools and materials and the perfect maxbreeze solar-powered roof ventilation to perform the task. As always perform these tasks with safety precaution.

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2 Solar Panel Benefits: My First Solar Power Encounter

Trip to the Countryside

Recently, I was invited by one of my high school mates to visit his farm in the countryside. It was a 2-hour trip away from urbanity. Driving away from dense concrete structures to sparse wooden houses within the plains. I was beginning to think about how in the world he was able to survive in this place knowing that we’re both accustomed to the city life.

He then toured me around his farm. It was six acres of wheat fields with numerous chickens and goats roaming around freely. I then asked him honestly, How in the world were you able to survive in this place? Where do you get your water? How about your electricity? He walked me through me then to his own 20 square yards of solar panels.

Living Off-grid

There’s a lot of solar panels. Several sheets of glass bathing underneath the sun. He then answered to me that there’s no need to worry about power. His electricity is for free. It turns out that he made a lot of research on how well solar energy performs especially in the country. He invested some money to acquire solar panels for sale on the internet and have them installed by himself.

No bills, no power interruptions, and unlimited use of power. Those were some of the things he told me when he explained why he opted for solar energy. He also said that it feels like he is an environmentalist. He was able to minimise his dependency on carbon-based energy which is the main source of energy in most countries.

I then realised. If this technology is effective in the countryside, why not in the city where we will benefit more as the energy cost is higher as compared to the rural parts of the country. I started doing my own research on solar panels Sydney and these are the facts I’ve found.

Environment and money

Benefits of solar energy

After the trip back home, I went to my desk to look into my experience. With all the things that my friend told me about solar energy, I can only sum it up in these two words. It’s good for the environment and also for your money.

1. Environment

Harnessing only the light of the sun, solar power reduces the reliance on carbon-based energy sources like coal, oil, nuclear, and natural gas. These types of sources emit by-products and wastes that are harmful to both living beings and the environment. I also learned that they contribute to climate change which is one of the big issues right now aside from the pandemic.

2. Money

Yes, Sydney solar panels are indeed expensive, but it is a great investment in the long run. You don’t to be surprised at your mailbox looking at your huge electric bills. The power supply is almost free and unlimited. Just make you have batteries to store the energy. It will save you a lot of money.

As of this moment, I am still doing some further research on my phone But with the looks of it, there is a great chance that I will start installing solar panels at my home.

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4 Reasons Every Home Needs a Solar Powered Roof Ventilation

Are you looking for a cost effective way to keep your house cool during summer? Well, here’s the right solution for you – solar powered roof fans. When looking for ways to bring down the interior temperature of a house, residents often overlook the concept of Solar roof ventilation. So, what exactly does solar roof ventilation contribute to your house? Read on to find out.

What is Solar Powered Roof Ventilation?

Solar-powered roof ventilation refers to the process of improving the air circulation in the roof cavity, and reducing the build-up of heat and moisture with the help of solar roof fans. Besides being able to cool down your house, a solar roof fan can significantly improve the life of the roof.

4 Benefits of Solar Powered Roof Ventilation:

Here are some of the great ways solar roof ventilation is helpful for you:

  • Prevents Build-Up of Heat & Moisture:

The roof of our house is meant to protect us from the sunrays. With continuous exposure to sunlight, the roof of your house will collect heat and pushes it down to your interior living space. The best way to combat this issue is by installing a solar-powered roof fan. It works to prevent heat build-up at the source that is the attic. By driving away excess heat during summer, and moisture build-up during winter, you will experience great comfort in your house.

  • They Are Ecofriendly:

An obvious advantage of using a solar-powered roof fan is it doesn’t require electricity to run. By utilising the power of solar energy, the roof fan will serve its purpose without emitting greenhouse gases. Not requiring electricity means that you are also reducing your dependency on fossil fuels. Solar energy is sustainable and limitless, thus making it the perfect power source for roof ventilation.

The Maxbreeze solar powered roof ventilation comes with an optional energy storage battery, which allows the unit to operate at night!

  • Increases Your Monthly Savings:

A solar roof fan can reduce your expenses every month. As mentioned above, solar fans can protect your roof and extend its life. Besides preventing frequent roof repairs and replacements, you also get to reduce your heating and cooling costs. Now that’s a lot of dollars saved already!

  • Easy to Set Up:

What makes solar roof fans appealing is that it takes less than an hour to install and use. Since it is powered by solar energy, no complicated electric wiring is required. They are also available in different sizes, thus making it compatible for different types of roofs.

Are you interested in knowing how solar roof ventilation Sydney can cool down YOUR home on budget? Get in touch with the experts today.

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Solar Energy Today, Solar Roof Ventilation
Why is Solar Power the Logical Choice in Australia?

How Solar Energy Benefits the Local Economy

We often hear how solar energy is great for the environment. It’s true that when more people adopt solar energy in their lives, we can collectively reduce greenhouse gas emissions and preserve our natural resources. Apart from the noteworthy environmental benefits, how does solar energy positively impact our economy? Why is investing in solar panels a great idea? Keep on reading to learn the environmental and economic benefits of solar installation NSW.

Economic Benefits:

Solar energy can impact your local economy for the better. Here are some of the best benefits listed down below:

1. Lower Your Monthly Utility Bills:

The most enticing benefit of switching to solar energy, is bringing down your monthly energy bills. The energy generated by your solar power system can even out your consumption and eventually, you will be paying relatively less over time. After the solar installation NSW, you will have the option to connect the system to the utility grid, with which you can supply energy and get a good discount on your monthly bills.

2. Helpful During Emergencies:

In the event of a natural disaster such as cyclones, earthquakes, or fires, there is a huge possibility of power outage. You can contribute to your local economy by supplying solar energy from your system to the public, during a crisis. When other sources of energy aren’t available, you can still rely upon solar power to meet urgent energy demands. This greener and cleaner form of energy also helps reduce global warming and its adverse effects.

3. Incentives & Credits:

To motivate citizens to switch to solar power, the government is offering great incentives for those switching to solar power. The Feed in Tariff scheme is designed to help homeowners and businesses reduce their monthly expenses by selling excess energy. Credits will be offered to you, corresponding to the amount of kwh of energy exported to the utility provider.

4. Generate Employment Opportunities:

Another way solar energy benefits the local economy is by providing jobs for people in your community. Since more people and businesses are signing up for solar installation Sydney year after year, solar job opportunities have also been increasing as a result.

Environmental Benefits You Should Know:

  • Conventional energy sources such as coal, oil, and natural gas have damaging impact on local ecosystems. As solar energy is clean and renewable, it allows us to secure our natural reserves.
  • When coal and oil power plants cause air and water pollution, solar energy systems won’t emit toxic materials in any way throughout its operation.
  • Coal, nuclear, and hydropower plants use land and water extensively. Solar panels, on the other hand, can simply be installed on rooftops or in smaller areas to produce sufficient power.

The future is bright and green with solar energy. Do your bit in saving the environment – while also saving on your bills – by investing in quality solar panels. Contact the certified solar panel installers Sydney for more details.

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4 Reasons Every Home Needs a Solar Powered Roof Ventilation
How Solar Energy Benefits the Local Economy

A Beginner’s Guide to Feed In Tariff for Solar Energy Systems

In an aim to lower carbon emissions and meet the increasing energy demands, the Australian government has been offering the Feed in Tariff scheme. This arrangement is also one of the major factors that contribute to the rising popularity of solar panels Sydney. So, what exactly is Feed in Tariff, and why should homes and businesses take advantage of the same? Find out below:

What is Feed in Tariff?

If your residential or commercial property has a solar energy system installed (and connected to a grid), any excess energy produced by your solar panels shall be sent back to the grid for distribution to the public. Based on the amount of energy you supply, the utility provider will reward you credits, which will be reflected as discount on your utility bill. In other words, the payment made by the utility for purchasing electricity from you is referred to as Feed in Tariff.

Why is Feed in Tariff Important?

The Feed in Tariff scheme was introduced to meet various environmental, industrial, and economic goals. The number one priority though, is to motivate people to switch to renewable energy. Feed in Tariff makes investment in solar panels Sydney worthwhile for both homeowners and businesses, as they get to recover the costs in a few years.

With solar energy systems, customers will be more conscious about their energy consumption. While some customers receive feed-in credits for the energy supplied, others can easily monitor and bring down their energy usage by setting up an independent electricity system. Both these factors will help people lower their monthly energy expenses.

How Does It Work?

  1. A homeowner or a business can purchase high quality and durable Sydney solar panels from a recognised supplier. The photovoltaic solar panel system must be connected to the utility grid.
  2. Submit an application to the relevant state authority for the Feed in Tariff scheme. The eligibility criteria can vary from state to state.
  3. If your solar power system complies with the requirements such as size, location, etc, you will be allowed to supply energy to the grid and get credited for the same.
  4. Note that you will enter into a contract for obtaining feed-in credits based on either gross or net metering:
  • With gross metering, the entire energy produced by your system will be supplied to the grid. You will be credited for every kwh of energy provided to the utility. You’ll be paying for consuming electricity from the grid as usual.
  • As for net metering, you are allowed to use the electricity produced by your solar power system. If it generates more power, export the surplus to the grid and earn credits on a kwh basis. Should you need more electricity at any time, you can obtain it from the utility grid and pay for it accordingly.

Feed in Tariff brings your energy bills on diet, and helps you to smoothly transition to a cleaner and sustainable lifestyle. Contact a supplier offering reasonably priced solar panels for sale, if you have any questions.

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What You Ought to Know About Solar Power Rebates in 2021?

Did you know if you are installing an accredited solar system such as solar panels in Sydney, you are eligible for a financial incentive from a national government scheme? This incentive is usually termed as ‘solar rebate,’ and is included as an upfront discount in the quote from the installer.

What Actually is a Solar Rebate?

Commonly called ‘solar rebate,’ is not actually a rebate, but a financial incentive paid by the Federal government’s Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES) to encourage people to reduce emissions by installing eligible renewable energy systems such as solar. Homeowners and business owners who install a solar panel in Sydney will benefit from this scheme for each megawatt-hour of eligible renewable electricity your new solar system generates up until 2030 when the scheme ends. Most people in Australia choose to take advantage of this rebate in the form of an upfront discount from their installer.

How Much Cost Does a Rebate Save You?

A solar rebate helps you save thousands of dollars on your Sydney solar system installation. The amount of money saved depends on the following factors.

  • The size of the system
  • Location
  • The current market price of STC

Home Solar Power Rebates

Over the past decade, Australians have embraced solar power at a quicker pace, and over 2.3 million solar systems were installed in 2020. This stellar increase is due to increased public awareness of the benefits of solar. The success is also due to federal and state government support schemes for solar installation and the installation of home storage batteries. All Australian households receive a subsidy for solar panels from the Federal Government, and this reduces the upfront cost of solar power systems by around 30%. However, the percentage varies from state to state.

Small Business Solar Rebates

For small businesses with a solar PV system less than 100kW, the STC program provides the option to recoup the cost of installation. In order to qualify for this scheme, the PV system must be smaller in size, installed, and approved by a Clean Energy Council installer.

Commercial Solar Rebates

Large-scale Generation Certificates (LGC) are available for businesses with larger solar PV systems. Like the STC program, LGC certificates are used to recoup the cost of commercial solar installation.

Feed-in Tariffs

You may qualify for a feed-in tariff if you are willing to feed energy back into the electricity grid. By this scheme, you will receive a sum of money for the amount of energy your system sends to the grid.


Do you want to get a higher solar rebate? The solar rebates are its highest peak now and gaining the best solar rebate is possible only if you install your solar panels in Sydney sooner rather than later.

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Going Solar? Is It the Right Choice for Your Business in 2021?
Key Features to Consider When Evaluating Commercial Solar Panels

Going Solar? Is It the Right Choice for Your Business in 2021?

Thinking about going solar? As the sun is a scorching hot topic right now, the solar energy market is currently on fire. According to recent statistical data, businesses and homeowners, who switch to solar power are saving thousands in electricity costs every year by choosing to produce their own energy instead of relying on the utility companies to produce it for them.

Even after Covid-19 has wreaked havoc on everything else, 2021 has begun on a positive note for the solar power market. The growth will likely to continue throughout the year and would leave room for more solar-panel installations compared to the previous years. So, it’s wise to consider installing the best solar panels in Sydney for your business this year.

Can Solar Panels Save Your Business Money in 2021?

Yes, solar panels are one of the biggest investments you can make for your business, and you can get a high ROI, depending on the amount of power generated, and how much money it will save you.

Why Are Businesses Considering Solar Panels?

Most of the businesses in Australia are considering solar panels in NSW because,

  • Less operating costs
  • Quick ROI (mostly between 2 to 5 years)
  • Less maintenance
  • Durable
  • Adds more value to the property
  • Generates a positive response from the customers

Top Reasons to Go Solar in 2021

Financial Benefits

When installing the best solar panels with premium inverter technology, businesses see a high ROI within two years of installation. Due to the higher power output and slow degradation rate, businesses can save more money in the long run.

Another ultimate reason to go solar is a reduced energy bill. The installation of solar panels will definitely help if your power bills are high or if your energy contract is soon coming to an end.

Advanced Technology

As the years go, changes in technology and advancements are inevitable. Compared to the previous years, a myriad number of high-efficient solar panels are in the solar power market. This standard continues to grow in 2021, and you will get access to the best solar panels that are high-performing and more efficient than the previous versions.

A Sustainable Solution

Is sustainability the primary focus of your business? Installing solar panels strengthens the commitment towards your goal. The customers of today are demanding businesses to be more environment friendly, and even a small solar power system can drastically reduce your greenhouse gas emissions. When you focus on sustainability, you get a positive response from your customers, and this enhances your company’s image and increases revenue.

Wrapping Up

Want to go solar in 2021? Solar energy generated by the solar panels is 100% clean, and renewable. Installing solar panels for your business does only good, and this little upgrade will bring your more business in 2021! Reach us now to know more about solar energy and solar panel deals in NSW.

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Going Solar? Is It the Right Choice for Your Business in 2021?
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Key Features to Consider When Evaluating Commercial Solar Panels

Are you considering solar panels for your business? Wondering what does ‘solar panel efficiency’ mean? How will it generate value for your business? Are there any other characteristics that should be considered when evaluating commercial solar panels? Well, read this blog to get all your questions answered!

What is Solar Panel Efficiency?

Solar panel efficiency is the amount of solar energy a solar panel is able to convert into electricity under ideal, laboratory-like conditions. Based on the type of technology used, Sydney solar panels used for commercial purposes are able to achieve a 20 to 24% efficiency rate on average.

Not all solar panels are the same, and they come with different watt rating and efficiency. With greater efficiency, you can generate more amount of power with fewer panels. Fewer panels also mean less space, low installation costs, maximum power output, and more. While you are saving money with fewer solar panels with high efficiency, there are also other factors that you must consider while evaluation commercial solar panels in Sydney.

The Durability of the Panels

The lifetime of your commercial solar panels is as important as its efficiency, especially when you are exposed to harsh Australian weather. Another important factor that must be considered along with durability is the degradation rate of the panels. Just like any other system, the performance of solar panels degrades over time. It’s estimated that a difference of even a tenth of a percentage point in annual degradation rate can have a great impact on the amount of energy your solar panels in Sydney produces during its lifetime.

The Performance of the Solar Panels

The efficiency of a solar panel is measure under lab-like circumstances, while the reality can be a little different. When these panels are installed on the roof exposed to extreme temperatures, they are unlikely to achieve their optimal efficiency, and the change in the efficiency rating depends greatly on your installation type and location. So, the solar companies in Sydney should be able to present you with the performance of the solar panels depending on the weather history in your area, the average amount of sunlight it receives, and more.

Warranty on Commercial Solar Panels

Generally, all solar panels come with typical product warranty coverage against damages, and a power warranty covering a minimum guaranteed power rating. The period of these two warranties can either be the same or different. When you evaluate the long-term financial benefits of your commercial solar panels, you must consider the costs associated with the product and power warranty claims. If both the power and product warranties aren’t concurrent, ask what will be covered by a power warranty covering a minimum guaranteed power rating.

The Bottom Line

Understanding and evaluating the solar panel efficiency is only the start of figuring out the best solar panel for your commercial solar panel installation project. You must also focus on other important features such as durability, degradation rate, and warranty to make informed decisions.

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Go Solar and Boost Your Home’s Property Value

Solar energy is favoured by most of the Australian public as it emphasises renewable energy takes advantage of the abundance of sunny Australian weather. According to a recent survey, 77% of Australians think a house with solar is more valuable than those relying on traditional energy sources. The survey also reveals 57% of homeowners pay up to $10,000 more for a home equipped with solar panels. Solar panels in Sydney are among the most popular sources of renewable energy. The upfront costs associated with switching to solar might be a little higher, but purchasing and installing Sydney solar panels can generate a positive ROI.

How Do Solar Panels Add Value to a Property?

Purchasing a property with solar panels installed is an ideal option for prospective buyers looking to reduce utility bills and reduce their carbon impact. Installing solar panels in Sydney is not only an eco-friendly option but also improves the value of your property. However, there are different factors that influence exactly how much value solar panels add to your property.


The value your property increase by due to solar panel depends on the location (state and city). For example, the installation of solar panels in Sydney yields high ROI compared to less developed markets, as buyers and realtors in these areas aren’t as familiar with the benefits of solar panels.

The Number of Panels

The size of the installation of solar panels can directly influence the value of your property post-installation. The production capacity of your solar panels depends on the size of your house and the number of panels it can accommodate. According to a recent study, there is a rise of over $29,000 in the retail value of the home for a 5kW installation.

Quality of the Solar Panels Installed

The lifetime, technology used, and warranty of the solar panels vary depending on the manufacturers, and this has a direct impact on how much value gets increased in your property after the installation. So, take your time and do your research to find the right company when you are looking for solar panels for sale.

Energy Usage and Savings

Based on the energy consumption and the local cost of electricity also have a direct impact on how much value you can add post-installation. On average, Australian households use around 6000kW of electricity per year, and 60% of your 16kW usage is between the hours of 9 am and 5 pm. So, installing 2.5kW a solar panel system could potentially save you up to $730 on your energy bill annually.

The Bottom Line

Whenever you add a feature to your property, there’s generally one question in your mind, “Will this actually add value to my property” Installing Sydney solar panels will add value to your property, however, you need to choose a system that suits your location and meets your power needs for effective results.

Will Solar Panels Increase the Value of My Home?

Ever wondered if installing solar panel in your home will increase its value? Well, the answer is a resounding “yes!’. Buyers are attracted to homes with solar energy for a number of reasons, and we’re going to talk about some of those today.

A future financial benefit

One of the main reasons your home’s value increases as soon as you install solar panels is the fact that there’s a future financial benefit to buyers. Solar power is an investment, but if you decide to sell your home, that means the new owners can take advantage of free solar energy without any upfront cost.

For families entering into a mortgage situation, any financial savings are appreciated. So, considering the annual savings that solar energy presents, buyers are going to be more interested in your property, which always bumps up the selling price.

Environmentally friendly

Remember back, say, 10 or 15 years ago when everything eco-friendly seemed to cost a lot more, so it was a bit prohibitive for people to adopt a truly green lifestyle? Well, times have changed. Even if some enviro-conscious products are still a little more costly, people are far more willing to pay it because social attitudes toward the environment have changed.

As Australians, we’re becoming more and more protective of our environment, and with this comes a real desire to go solar. Residential solar is so common now that it could be the difference between making a quick sale and losing a potential buyer. Let’s say a solar system costs around $5,000. If your buyer wants solar energy and they have to install it themselves, they’re likely going to want $5,000 off the purchase price. Are you willing to risk letting them walk?

It’s a universally beneficial selling point

The great thing about solar energy from a real estate point of view is the fact that it’s universally beneficial. Many impressive house features only appeal to a certain type of person, such as pools, entertainment rooms, outdoor dining areas. Solar energy, on the other hand, benefits everybody because it provides cheaper energy bills every year. This means your solar feature is likely to attract more buyers.

Standing out in a crowded marketplace

The New South Wales housing market is crazy, with homes being purchased in record times. However, when you’re selling a home, getting a quick sale is only half of the battle; you also want to get a great price for your home. The best way to do that is to make your home stand out from the crowd. If there’s something unique about it, you have more chance of a bidding war between buyers which ultimately bumps up the price of your home.

So, even in a seller’s market, solar panels can provide the point of difference you need to stand out from the crowd. Let’s face it, if a buyer is deciding between two properties of similar size, location and price, but only one has solar panels, they’ll go with the solar panels every time. That’s because they know they’ll save a fortune on energy bills in the future, which is something they won’t get with a non-solar home.

Looking for the best solar installers in NSW?

If you’re considering adding value to your home by installing a solar system, we’d love to discuss your needs. We offer affordable residential solar packages to suit all house sizes and budgets. Contact the friendly team at Solar Path today and book a free on-site quote. We’ll analyse your existing energy habits, recommend the perfect solar power system and even let you know how much you can expect to save.

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